In order for any retail business to remain competitive, processing credit cards is essential. Yet for some merchants, the fees and rates can be more trouble than they’re worth. Interchange rates and processing fees are not static and can be subject to fluctuations, depending on the card type, average ticket amount, and average volume of the retail store. That’s why The General Store together with BlockChyp, offer merchants a comprehensive solution to eliminate these fees with our Cash Discount Program. This program takes the burden off merchants, and instead passes the fees onto their customers through a service charge. Customers are incentivized to pay with cash, and merchants can keep 100% of their sale on your credit card transactions. Simple. Legal. Effective.

Want To See How It Can Work For You?
Finding the Perfect Retail POS Software: 3 Steps to Success
- Easy-to-read statement for merchants
- Transaction total charged as one amount and stated on customer receipt
- Stable, locked-in rate
- Individual numerical rate assigned to each merchant identification number
- Rates for sales reps and merchants pre-programmed on terminals
- Batch funds can be received in one business day
- Purchase or receive a FREE terminal
- Powerful payment processing with BlockChyp